Frequently Asked Questions (Coaches)

Where do I start?
Before your child starts intensive study, get to know the words in your child’s section. Read the words; go over the pronunciation with your child, then read the meaning and example sentence. Make sure the words are being pronounced correctly.
Try using the words in your everyday conversation. Have fun making up sentences with your child using the words.
How do I help my child study?
Every child’s energy level and focus is different – and they are different every day. So either set a time limit or a word limit – say study 5 words today, but tomorrow when things are busy just study four.
Pages six and seven in the Spelling Manual are called “Spelling Guidelines.” It has some common letter groups that are fairly consistent and worth noting.
How do I keep the child interested?
Encourage playing spelling games –at home, in the car, or on the TTC are good times.
Attend coaching sessions which help keeps the enthusiasm high.
Make sure you don’t work past your child’s interest point each day.
Encourage each child to nominate someone for Spelling Bee of Canada Unsung Hero Award – see the official Manual.
Play Spelling Bee – have your child ask you words to spell from the manual. Make incorrect spellings part of the learning.
Keeping the learning important, not the competition.
The emphasis should be on how many words your child learned, not on “winning”.
Where else do I look for spelling words?
Keep a running list of “good spelling words” your child (and you!) comes across during your daily reading.